GCX provides a reporting and analytics platform for managing ESG risk using GCX DASH- which provides companies with reporting functionality to map carbon footprint activities and other ESG indicators across multiple stakeholders, portfolios of assets.
GCX delivering solutions for the V&A Waterfront:
Article 1

RecoMed is the largest and fastest growing technology driven online healthcare booking platform and marketplace in South Africa, that seamlessly connects practitioners, patients and other stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem.
Discovery partners with RecoMed to improve the vaccine roll-out:
Article 1
Exclusive interview with RecoMed CEO, Sheraan Amod:

Digital Cabinet specialize in digital, cloud-based, Workflow and Document Management Solutions for businesses.
Digitized Forms video:
Video 1
Digitized Flow video:
Video 2

The Tradecloud Platform consists of extensive intellectual property, including input from blue chip importers. Tradecloud utilises leading edge technology and functionality is constantly enhanced.
Tradecloud Overview video:

With end-to-end SaaS solution we enable digitisation and automation of all insurance processes so that insurance businesses can respond faster to new market needs and accelerate their growth.
Differentiate yourself with imbedded insurance:
Our SaaS enables you to digitally distribute and efficiently administer insurance products with real-time:

National HealthCare Group was established to bring affordable and reliable private primary healthcare services to low-income employer groups.
Executive Chairman of the National Health Group (NHG), Dr. Reinder Nauta, talking to Peter Bruce about bringing Private Primary Health Care at under R100 to South Africa, and the opportunity for South Africa corporates to get involved:
Do you want to offer affordable Private Primary Healthcare to your employees ? What is the MediClub Connect offering all about: